White House condemns online attacks against openly gay Interior spokesman

White House condemns online attacks against openly gay Interior spokesman
White House condemns online attacks against openly gay Interior spokesman


Social media can be a powerful tool, but it can also be a place where people are hurtful. Recently, there was an incident involving the White House, a social media account called Libs of TikTok, and a government worker named Tyler Cherry. Let’s dive into what happened.

What Happened?

A person named Chaya Raichik, who runs Libs of TikTok, used Twitter to attack Tyler Cherry. Tyler works for the Department of the Interior. Chaya posted a picture of Tyler and said mean things about him. This made a lot of people upset.

Making Things Worse

Chaya didn’t stop with one mean post. She went on to say that Tyler Cherry thinks bad things about healthcare and that he supports “white supremacy.” She also said that the Biden administration hires strange people. This made the situation even more intense.

Anti-LGBTQ+ Content

Libs of TikTok has a history of posting things against LGBTQ+ people. It has even been connected to threats against schools in the US. This raised concerns about the platform and its impact on people.

The White House’s Response

The White House didn’t stay silent. They said that nobody should be attacked just for being themselves. They also talked about how they believe in unity and diversity. They made it clear that Tyler is an important part of their team.

Support from LGBTQ+ Advocates

People who support LGBTQ+ rights, like Elliot Imse and Brandon Wolf, spoke up for Tyler. They said that even though what happened was awful, many Americans support Tyler and others like him.

Different Angle

Another article, written by Alex Gangitano, looked at the same situation but from a slightly different point of view. It mentioned that the attacks on Tyler Cherry started because of a right-wing social media account called LibsofTikTok.

The White House’s Defense

The Biden administration defended Tyler Cherry. They repeated their belief in unity and said Tyler is doing important work for the Department of the Interior and the American people.

Debates About Appearance

This incident also started conversations about what looks professional. Some people questioned if Tyler Cherry’s style was right for a government job, especially because of his hoop earrings.

Tyler Cherry’s Background

Tyler Cherry isn’t just a government worker; he’s also an activist for LGBTQ+ rights and part of a DJ group in Washington, D.C. This shows that people can be themselves while working in important roles.


What happened to Tyler Cherry shows us that social media can have a big impact. It also reminds us that we should treat each other with kindness and respect, no matter who we are or where we work.


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What is Libs of TikTok, and why is it controversial?

Libs of TikTok is a social media account known for posting hurtful content, especially against LGBTQ+ people. It’s been in trouble for spreading hate and even threats against schools.

How did the White House respond to the attacks on Tyler Cherry?

The White House said that attacking someone just for being themselves is wrong. They believe in unity and diversity and support Tyler’s work.

Who are some LGBTQ+ advocates who spoke up for Tyler Cherry?

Elliot Imse and Brandon Wolf, who support LGBTQ+ rights, said that even though the attacks were bad, many Americans support Tyler and people like him.

What were some criticisms about Tyler Cherry’s appearance?

Some people didn’t like Tyler Cherry’s style, especially his hoop earrings, and wondered if it was okay for a government job.

How does this incident relate to discussions about professionalism and personal identity?

This incident shows that people can be themselves while doing important jobs, and it sparked conversations about what looks professional in today’s world.

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